Rhestr Losin
Sweet List
Dolphins Kola Kubes
Black Jacks Liquorice Allsorts
Bon Bons - Strawberry Liquorice Comfits (small)
Bon Bons - Lemon Liquorice Torpeados (large)
Bon Bons - Apple Love Hearts
Bon Bons - Toffee (white coated) Marshmallows Bon Bons - Sour Raspberry (blue coated) Midget Gems
Cherry Lips Milk Bottles
Choc Beans pillows (Smarties) Milk Choc Disco Discs
(Hundreds & Thousands on top)
Chocolate Eclairs Milk Chocolate Ovals (Minstrels)
Chocolate Flavour Limes Milk Chocolate Peanuts
Chupa Chups Lollies** Milk Chocolate Raisins
Coconut Mushrooms Millions -Various flavours (please confirm) **
Cola Bottles Mini Eggs
Dib Dabs** Mini Marshmallows
Dolly Mixtures Mint Humbugs
Double Lollies Mint Imperials
Drumstick Lollies Murray Mints
Everton Mints Parma Violets
Fizzy Blue Bottles Bubblegum Flavour Pear Drops
Fizzy Cola Bottles Pineapple Cubes
Fizzy Rainbow Strips Pink & White Hearts
Flying Saucers Raspberry Ruffles**
Foam Bananas Refresher Bars
Foam Ice Cream Cones Rhubarb & Custard
Foam Strawberries Sherbert Lemons
Fried Eggs Sherbert Fruits
Friendship Rings Shrimps
Fruit Frogs Skittles**
Fruit Pastels (Large) Sour Apple Cubes
Fruit Salad Strawberry Flyers (Sticks)
Fudge - Vanilla Strawberry Milkshakes
Giant Fizzy Cola Bottles Sugar Almonds**
Giant Cola Bottles Teddy Bears/Gummi Bears
Giant Sour Strawberries Terrific Turtles
Giant Strawberries White Disco Discs (Hundreds & Thousands)
Happy Cherries Wine Gums
Heart Throbs Haribo Yorkshire Mixture
Jelly Babies
Jelly Beans
Foiled covered chocolate hearts** (various colour foil available)
Sweets Marked with ** will incur an additional £5.00 each to price of Cart if you choose more than one marked **